Social Impact Awards Program

Check out our 2023 Award Winners listed below!

Is your organization or an individual you know doing great things to improve the quality of life for our region? If so, you are in the right place!

Social Impact Awards Background

In 2023, Cause SD selected key organizations and individuals that exemplified what it means to be Social Impact Changemakers
Prior to our 25th Annual Cause Conference in 2023, we selected organizations and individuals whose mission success was linked to a higher purpose of creating a more equitable & stable society and a more sustainable natural world. Our winners were recognized in front of our general audience for their hard work and efforts.
For 2024, we’ve decided to open up our awards search to the public.  We want to include as many organizations and individuals as possible.  Below are full details to nominate.  

2023 Cause SD Social Impact Winners

Malin Burnham – Philanthropic and Community Advancement Lifetime Achievement Awardee
Dan Shea, Feeding San Diego – Nonprofit Social Impact Leader of the Year
UBS – Social Impact Business of the Year
Maurice Wilson, CEO of National Veterans Transition Services, Inc. – San Diego Military Community Champion of the Year
Dr. Inez González Perezchica, CEO of MANA de San Diego – Social Mobility and Advancement Social Impact Leader of the Year

2024 Award Nomination Dates

Submissions Open to Apply: Sept. 10, 2024
Submissions Last Day to Apply:  Sept. 30, 2024
Who Qualifies to Apply?
Nominations are open to organizations operating in the San Diego region and for individuals living and working in the San Diego region.  Organizations and individuals can self-nominate or be nominated by someone else. 
Is there a fee to submit?
No, Cause San Diego is able to provide this award’s program as a public service because of our generous Cause Conference 2024 sponsors and ticket holders.  

How to Apply?

– Complete the Award’s Nomination online. (Be sure to save your answers on another document so that you can reference again, if needed.) Visit HERE to submit a nomination.

– Once all entries are submitted, Cause SD team will review all nominations and may contact you via email or phone about your submission, if we have any questions.

All qualified nominees will receive a 40% off discount offer to attend the 2024 Cause Conference on Oct. 23, 2024.

Announcement of Awardees

– Nomination submitters will be informed via email or phone by Tuesday, October 8, if they have been selected as a finalist or an award winner.

– All finalists are invited to the 26th Annual Cause Conference on Thursday, October 23, 2024, to be recognized for their superior work at the beginning of our awards program in the afternoon.

– All awardees will be recognized on stage during the Cause Conference awards program in the afternoon.

 For more details about the 2024 Cause Conference visit We also have exhibitor spaces and sponsorship opportunities.

Organization Award Categories & Criteria

Eligibility:  Organizations may apply that conduct social and/or environmental impact programs throughout the year to enhance the quality of life for their employees, customers, communities where they operate.  Open to organizations of all sizes operating in the San Diego region, regardless of the organization’s headquarters location.

Social Impact For-Profit Business of the Year

This award acknowledges a business that has excelled by integrating social impact into its mission and/or operations. Nominated businesses should illustrate how their commitment to social responsibility has created positive change in San Diego community while simultaneously achieving business success.

Social Impact Nonprofit Charity of the Year

This award celebrates a nonprofit organization that has made a substantial difference in our community through effective programs, partnerships and initiatives. Nominated organizations should showcase their innovative approaches and the measurable impact of their efforts.

Social Impact Government Agency of the Year

(Includes all Federal, State, County & City agencies)
This award celebrates a government agency that has made a substantial difference in our community through effective programs, partnerships and initiatives. Nominated organizations should showcase their innovative approaches and the measurable impact of their efforts.

Individual Award Categories

Eligibility:  Individuals may apply that contribute their time, talent and/or treasure to improving the San Diego region and the communities where they live, work and play.  Open to all paid employees, vendors, volunteers and interns.

Philanthropic & Community Advancement Lifetime Achievement Award

This prestigious award recognizes an individual whose lifelong dedication to philanthropy and community advancement has significantly transformed San Diego. Nominees should demonstrate a sustained impact through their exceptional leadership and commitment to social causes over their careers.

Nonprofit Social Impact Changemaker of the Year

This award praises one individual who has significantly advanced their organization’s mission and impact through community engagement, volunteerism and/or through financial giving.  Nominees should demonstrate exceptional leadership and dedication to creating positive social and/or environmental change in our community through their work.

Business Social Impact Changemaker of the Year

This award praises one person that has significantly advanced their organization’s mission and impact through volunteerism, community engagement and/or financial giving.  Nominees should demonstrate exceptional leadership and dedication to creating positive social change in our community through their work.

Government Social Impact Changemaker of the Year

This award praises one person that has significantly advanced their organization’s mission and impact through community engagement, volunteerism and/or advocacy work.  Nominees should demonstrate exceptional leadership and dedication to creating positive social change in our community through their work.

Veteran Social Impact Changemaker of the Year

This award honors an individual that has made outstanding contributions to support our military community. Nominees should showcase their dedication to enhancing the lives of service members and their families through advocacy and support.


If you have any questions about the nomination process, please contact us at

2023 Social Impact Award Winners

Malin Burnham

Burnham Center for Community Advancement 

Philanthropic and Community Advancement Lifetime Achievement Awardee

Dan Shea

Feeding San Diego, Lucky Duck Foundation

Nonprofit Social Impact Leader of the Year

Soraya Alexander

COO, GoFund Me & President of Classy; 25th Annual Cause Conference Honorary Co-Chair

Social Impact Achievement Awardee

Dr. Inez Gonzalez Perezchica

CEO, MANA de San Diego
Social Mobility and Advancement Social Impact Leader of the Year

Eugene “Mitch” Mitchell

Senior VP, Chief Legislative Officer, Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) & San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E); 25th Annual Cause Conference Honorary Co-Chair
Social Impact Achievement Awardee

Maurice Wilson

National Veterans Transition Services, Inc. & REBOOT
Military Community Champion of the Year


Social Impact Business of the Year